2010 Census, Area Code 94520 (Concord, CA)
(information gathered from factfinder2.census.gov)
(information gathered from factfinder2.census.gov)
- Total Population of Area Code 94520, Concord: 37, 208
- Median Age: 31.1
- Males: 51.7%
- Females: 48.3%
- Hispanic/Latino: 52.9%
- White: 29.8%
- Asian: 8.4%
- Black or African American: 4.5%
- Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander: 0.9%
- American Indian/Alaska Native 0.3%
- Other: 0.2%
- Two or More Races: 2.9%
- Owner-occupied housing units: 39.1%
- Renter-occupied housing units: 60.9%
Income and Benefits: (3.1% or less margin for error)
- Less than $10,000: 4.0%
- $10,000 - $14,999: 6.7%
- $15,000 - $24,999: 13.2%
- $25,000 - $34,999: 12.7%
- $35,000 - $49,999: 17.8%
- $50,000 - $74,999: 19.3%
- $75,000 - $99,999: 9.4%
- $100,000 - $149,999: 13.2%
- $150,000 - $199,999: 2.7%
- $200,000 or more: 0.9%
Median Household income: $46, 565 (compare this to Lafayette: $134, 871)
Year Householder moved into Unit (within occupied housing units)
Year Householder moved into Unit (within occupied housing units)
- Moved in 2005 or later: 56.8%
- Moved in 2000-2004: 17%
- Moved in 1990-1999: 14.7%
- Moved in 1980-1989: 6.1%
- Moved in 1970-1979: 3.5%
- Moved in 1969 or earlier: 2.0%
Households with Food Stamp/SNAP benefits in the past year: 6.6%
Percentage of Families and People whose income in the past year is below the poverty level:
- All families: 14.2% (with a 3% margin for error)
- Married Couple families: 11.7% (with a 4% margin for error)
- Families with a female householder, and no husband present: 22%
The Price of Residence:
- The average price of an owner-occupied unit in this area code is $268,800
- compare to Lafayette: $1,000,000+
- People who pay a mortgage on their housing unit pay an average of $2,017 per month
- compare to Lafayette: $4,000+
- The average cost of rent is $1,115 per month
- compare to Lafayette: $1,570
According to the demographics and data gathered about the 94520 area code in Concord, the city is home to a diverse population. While Hispanics/Latinos represent the majority of residents within the area, and Whites make up almost 30% of the population, other racial groups are represented.
Roughly 60% of people living in Concord rent property, while the other 40% own property. This may be due to the very new population of Concord residents (56.8% moved to Concord after the year 2005), who find renting an easier housing option.
From data on income and benefits, we see that the majority of Concord residents are lower to middle class. Although these incomes may classify as a different class in another area of the United States, the Bay Area remains one of the most expensive places to live.
While the Bay Area is extremely diverse, the range of living experiences even within one city can vary. In this area code, the price of housing and rent are relatively low, especially compared to elsewhere in Concord, or in nearby Lafayette, but the poverty rates are higher (food stamps, poverty levels, etc.). People have less income at their disposal after paying rent, mortgages, and utilities, even if housing prices are lower than neighboring communities.The median income of $46, 565 per year is not enough for many families.
Another characteristic this data reveals is the family-oriented nature of the city. We see that although more than half of the householders in Concord moved in after the year 2005, the median number of rooms per household is 4.2. This suggests a fairly new population of residents, but also that many families are moving in.
According to the demographics and data gathered about the 94520 area code in Concord, the city is home to a diverse population. While Hispanics/Latinos represent the majority of residents within the area, and Whites make up almost 30% of the population, other racial groups are represented.
Roughly 60% of people living in Concord rent property, while the other 40% own property. This may be due to the very new population of Concord residents (56.8% moved to Concord after the year 2005), who find renting an easier housing option.
From data on income and benefits, we see that the majority of Concord residents are lower to middle class. Although these incomes may classify as a different class in another area of the United States, the Bay Area remains one of the most expensive places to live.
While the Bay Area is extremely diverse, the range of living experiences even within one city can vary. In this area code, the price of housing and rent are relatively low, especially compared to elsewhere in Concord, or in nearby Lafayette, but the poverty rates are higher (food stamps, poverty levels, etc.). People have less income at their disposal after paying rent, mortgages, and utilities, even if housing prices are lower than neighboring communities.The median income of $46, 565 per year is not enough for many families.
Another characteristic this data reveals is the family-oriented nature of the city. We see that although more than half of the householders in Concord moved in after the year 2005, the median number of rooms per household is 4.2. This suggests a fairly new population of residents, but also that many families are moving in.
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